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Partnership History

Gulf Coast Kiln Walk Abbreviated Timeline


The history of the Ralph Howard Phillips (RHP) kiln was researched by Jacki Wilson who worked for the University of West Florida’s Historic Trust. Jacki’s research was invaluable to Florida’s ceramic history and the Southeast Region of the United States.
Folk Potter John Rezner from Fairhope, Alabama, leads the workshop to reconstruct the RHP kiln and mason artist Wesley “Scoot” Harvell, leads workshops on the finishing touches using the historical brick.


The Society fired the RHP Kiln for the first time, February, of 2009 with local dignitaries and extended RHP family members including Ralph’s daughter, granddaughter, and great-grandchildren. The family has donated many historical items to the Society. The kiln
remains the only working historical kiln of it’s era in the state.


Inaugural Gulf Coast Clay Conference
John Britt, First Biennial Clay Conference partnership with Pensacola State College (PSC). The Clay Conferences culminate with the annual WoodStoke Pottery and Kiln Festivals. John Britt is a respected glaze specialist and renowned author. Kiln Walk Permanent Collection Exhibition at Pensacola State College, curated by Vivian Spencer.


Bill Van Guilder 2nd Gulf Coast Clay Conference
Van Gilder apprenticed in Ireland and England and received a degree from Harrow School of Art, London, U.K. He established two large training centers in South Africa. He returned to the US to establish his studio in Maryland. He is a founder of The Frederick Pottery School, Frederick, MD.


Florida-Wakayama, Sister State Relationship Visit to Japan.
Kiln Walk members were selected by the Sister-State Wakayama Committee to work with Masayoshi Shimizu for one month at his studio in Iwade City, Japan. Members toured local historical kilns and apprenticed with Mr. Shimizu firing his anagama kiln in Wakayama Prefecture.


3rd Gulf Coast Clay Conference at PSC
Featured potter Tom Coleman from Nevada, is a well know contemporary master ceramic artist working in wheel thrown porcelain. Tom was trained at the Northwest College of Art and Reed College. His training in the Japanese tradition led him to focus on beauty, symmetry and balance of form.


Exhibition hosted by the Florida Department of State, Division of Cultural Affairs in Tallahassee celebrating the 20th Anniversary of the Sister-State relationship between Florida and Wakayama, Japan. The Gulf Coast Kiln Walk Permanent Collection featuring Masayoshi Shimizu’s work and work from the 2006 Shimizu firing was exhibited in the Capital.


4th Gulf Coast Clay Conference at PSC featuring Tom and Elaine Coleman. Tom and Elaine are icons in the ceramic art world and their impact within the ceramic arts has been significant. They have authored several books and publications and are true “Masters” of Porcelain Art.


Filmmaker Patty Newton returns. The Patty Newton Documentary, “ Alchemy: Portrait of a Wood Fired Kiln,” premiered to a sold-out audience on February 10th, at the historical Imogene Theater in Milton, FL.


5th Biennial Gulf Coast Clay Conference at PSC featuring Randy and Jan McKeachie Johnston. Randy and Jan are internationally recognized artists and educators who known for their wood-fired ceramic art. They conduct workshops across the United States and Chile and reside and work from their home and studio in River Falls, Wisconsin.


Masayoshi Shimizu returns to the Gulf Coast. “Masters of Wood-Fire,” Month long event showcasing master potter Masayoshi Shimizu from Wakayama, Japan. The Sister-State event was a collaboration between PSC, the Japan Center and the Kiln Walk Society. A major exhibit of Masayoshi’s work “Beauty in Use, The Flames Speak,” is a Celebration of Japanese Cultural Traditions. The exhibit at Pensacola Anna Lamar Switzer Center was curated by Gallery Director, Vivian Spencer.


“Masters of Wood-Fire,” series continues with visiting artist Maria Spies. Maria worked as an independent ceramic artist since 1973 and ceramic instructor since 1982. Former director of the Craft Guild in Dallas, Texas, The Pottery School in Seattle, Washington, Chester Springs Studio in Chester Springs, Pennsylvania. Current instructor/Studio Director at Eastern Shore Art Center, Fairhope, AL.


“Masters of Wood-Fire,” Chris Gustin and Friends
Chris Gustin an American ceramic artist well know for large sculptural forms with dramatic curves and textures. He studied at San Diego State University and New York State College of Ceramics at Alfred University. Gustin is considered a leading contemporary ceramic artist.


Chris Gustin invited back to conduct the month long activities surrounding Gulf Coast Kiln Walk’s annual firing of the historic anagama kiln.


Major Ceramic Art Exhibit, PSC and Kiln Walk Society collaboration to bring Chris Gustin & Nancy Train Smith “The Fluidity of Perception,” at the Anna Lamar Switzer Center for Visual Arts.