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Media: Photos and Videos

Browse our Photo Galleries and Video Library below

Video Clips

Anagama Construction, Pt 1

This 4- segment video documents the creation of the Gulf Coast Kiln Walk Society to the building of the first kiln, the ‘Anagama’. Duration ~ 5 min. This is the first segment.

Lang Holloman: “This is the very beginning of the Gulf Coast Kiln Walk Society’s endeavor to form and build their first project – ‘Anagama’. The Anagama is a wood fired kiln design which used in the firing of potter’s. International Pottery artist from around the world participating in firing of their works, with a large turn-out of Southeast Regional Artists as well. The process was 7 days of firing and 7 days of cooling. The works were phenomenal and will never forget.”

Canon Video (GL2) footage(2005), Canon Lenses, Bogan/Manfrotto Pods, Seinnheiser Mics, & Editing (Final Cut Studio): Lang Holloman –

Note that this text is from Lang Holloman’s Youtube page, which hosts this video. He published it Jan 11, 2009.

Anagama Construction, Pt 2

This video documents the formation of the Gulf Coast Kiln Walk Society and the building of the first kiln, the ‘Anagama’. Duration ~ 7 min. This is the second segment of a series of 4 videos about the Society and the Anagama.

Closing the Anagama / Preparing to Fire, Pt 3

This video continues to document the formation of the GCKWS and the building of the ‘Anagama’. Duration ~ 7 min. This is the third segemnt in a series of 4 videos about the formation of the Society and the construction of the Anagama. Continue with Part 4 … Specifically, part 3 records closing the anagama and preparing to fire. The construction of the door, a fire-brick wall with stoke holes integration and slip-slopped paper seal application on the door in preparation for the initial firing can be seen. The door is closed and the kiln is lit for the first firing.

Don Reitz & Brian Harper Discussion, Pt 4

Brian Harper and Don Reitz discuss the Anagama kiln and answer questions during the inaugural lighting ceremony of the Gulf Coast Kiln Walk Society’s firing workshop. In the video, Don Reitz gives firing advice and offers wisdom from a true master. This is the fourth and final segment of a series of 4 videos about the formation of the Society and the construction of the Anagama. Duration ~ 3 min. 15 sec.

Photo Galleries

2022 | 17th Annual Woodstoke Festival

2021 | 16th Annual Woodstoke Festival

2019 | 14th Annual Woodstoke Festival

2017 | Alchemy film Premiere and Anagama & Groundhog Kilns Opening

2016 | Emerald Coast Camera Club Photo Contest

2014 | Woodstoke Kiln Openings

News Stories and Published Articles

Taking a Walk Through History: The Gulf Coast Kiln Walk